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“Rebuild your serotonin stores naturally and gently, feel your inner smile glowing”
- Your little bottle of Sunshine
- Lighter in Spirit
- Weight lifted
- Balanced
- Elevated mood
- Positive and Clear thoughts
- Higher amounts of energy
- Able to function
- Emotionally stronger
- More relaxed
- Calm the mind and body
- Feel peace within
- Confidence
- Able to adapt to new situations easier
- Concerns and fears more manageable
- Libido balance
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Fatigue
- Feeling out of sorts
- Emotional sensitivity
- Confusion
- Mood swings
- Irritability
- Low confidence
- Coping with change
- Trouble falling asleep
- Low moods
- Weight gain
- Digestive imbalance
- Sweet cravings
- Muscle pain
- Nervousness
- Tension
- Adaptogen (Helps adapt the body to deal with stress)
- Stops/slows Cortisol production (Stress hormone)
- Inhibits Cortisol from entering other organs to prevent further damage
- Tonic
- Muscle relaxant
- Anti-anxiety
- Calming
- Digestive
- Calms Nervous System
- Antioxidant
- Circulatory stimulant
- Anti spasmodic (stops spasms)
- Anti-viral
- Anti-microbial
- Help engage socially – come out of the shell
- Sense of comfortability in ones own skin
- Build confidence
- Deepen connection with your self/others
- Loosen up
- Ignite joy
- Happiness Bark
- Trimethlyglysine (TMG) - Beetroot
- St Johns wort
- Rose buds
- Muira puama
- Kola nut
- With hints of Warritah Red gravillia, Bansia robur Sunshine wattle Flower essence
- 7ml directly under the tongue. Consecutively for 1 week +
- Pregnancy and lactation
- Anti depressant, sedative or anti psychotic medication
- Blood thinning agents (Warfarin)
- HIV medications
- Anti convulsant medications
♦️🔷♦️Activated by: Some of the Latest Healing Equipment and technology tools, (enquire if you would like to know more) as well as Hydrogen, Geometry, Neutralisers, Sound, Frequencies, Crystals, Intention and Love. 💖
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Happiness Bark
- Mimosa tree Albizia julibrissin is used for relieving Depression, Melancholy Anxiety and Stress. It is also used for Insomnia, poor memory, Irritability and angry feelings. It is native to China, Persia, Korea & Japan.
- The bark is thought to ‘anchor’ the spirit, while the flowers lighten it.
Commonly refereed to as the “ the happiness herb or bark” or “Herbal Prozac”
- (TMG) is a compound found in beetroot
- The main functions of TMG is to protect cells from stress and act as a source of methyl groups.
- TMG increases the bodys natural production of SAMe or S-adenosyl methionine. This amino acid helps reduce depression.
- TMG has many health benefits – it protects the liver, heart, and kidneys, and can enhance physical performance.
Is an Australian flower essence it works on the etheric body. It enhances the strength and courage to cope with despair and will bring ones survival skills to the forefront.